sea anemone

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sea anemone

更新时间:2024-09-20 06:17:35

英 [si: əˈneməni]

美 [si əˈnɛməni]

sea anemone基本解释



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sea anemone的近义词


1. marine polyps that resemble flowers but have oral rings of tentacles
differ from corals in forming no hard skeleton

Synonym: anemone

1. sea anemone

1. 海葵:、营养、呼吸、生殖、外界之激刺)--细胞第一节 水螅(Hydrozoa)水母(Medusa) 淡水水螅之形状--淡水水螅之构造--淡水水螅之生殖(发芽生殖、受精生殖)--水螅之结合体(海桧、海桅)--水螅水母--寻常水母第二节 海葵(Sea Anemone)及珊瑚(Coral

2. [动]海葵:action manager 代理经理 | sea anemone [动]海葵 | nullipara 从未生育过的人, 未产妇

3. 千手海葵:SEA URCHIN 海胆 | SEA ANEMONE 千手海葵 | SEA SNAKE 海蛇

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
The most surprising of these is that, genewise, the humble sea anemone looks a lot like a vertebrate, and not much like an insect or a worm.(最令人惊奇的是,通过genewise软件对蛋白质的基因序列分析和对比,低等动物海葵的基因组成与脊椎动物的非常相似,而与昆虫和蠕虫的大相径庭。)
The anemone, an inhabitant of deep-sea reefs, closes its jaws to trap its prey and to protect itself when threatened.(这种海葵生活在深海礁石上,通过合拢口部捕捉猎物或者受到威胁时保护自己。)
Any of various invertebrate animals resembling a plant such as a sea anemone or coral or sponge.(各种象植物的无脊椎动物,比如海葵、珊瑚或海绵。)
White Anemone and Sea Star.(白色银莲花和海星。)
This Sea Anemone wishes for the human species.(这是海葵希望人类种族所得到的。)
Are you thinking of the tiny little shrimp, and the great big whales? The octopus and the sea anemone?(你想的是小虾和大鲸鱼,还是章鱼和海葵?)
It is essential to the fish forming one of nature's great teams with the sea anemone - they are dependent on each other to survive and the slime protects the Clownfish from the anemone's sting.(小丑鱼和海葵组成了自然界最伟大的组合,这一组合对于这些小鱼们来说是至关重要的——它们两者相互倚赖着生存,而这层粘液保护小丑鱼免受海葵的刺蜇。)
At another time, the Numbers of Sea Anemone species was 400% greater than in present time.(在另一个时代,海葵的数量是现在的4倍还多。)
Some sea anemone toxins also had other effects such as antiviral activity, cytotoxicity and so on.(另外,有些毒素还表现其他作用,如抗病毒和细胞毒作用等。)
Any of various invertebrate animals, such as a sea anemone or sponge, that attach to surfaces and superficially resemble plants.(植形动物一种无脊椎动物,附着在表面而且看上去象植物一样,例如海葵和海绵。)
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